

A Family of ZK-friendly AO Hash Functions.

Anemoi is part of the Arithmetization-Oriented (AO) primitives designed for advanced cryptographic protocols such as Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs of knowledge. More precisely, Anemoi is a new family of ZK-friendly permutations, that can be used to construct efficient hash functions and compression functions.
A short description of the design is provided on this page. For more details, please find bellow the following resources:

The Anemoi team tries to keep this page up-to-date with the latest changes, but it is highly recommended to check the paper for the latest news.


  • 22.08.23: Presentation at Crypto 2023. The YouTube recording is available here.
  • 31.05.22: Minor revision of ePrint submission before publication in Crypto.
  • 21.05.23: Acceptation at Crypto 2023.
  • 16.11.22: Presentation at ZKProof5. The YouTube recording is available here.
  • 22.10.22: Acceptation for presentation at the ZKProof5 workshop in Tel Aviv.
  • 17.10.22: Revised ePrint submission with better implementations provided by our new co-authors.
  • 24.06.22: First ePrint submission.


Advanced cryptographic protocols such as Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs of knowledge, widely used in cryptocurrency applications such as Zcash, Monero, Filecoin, Tezos, Topos, demand new cryptographic hash functions that are efficient not only over the binary field $\mathbb{F}_2$, but also over large fields of prime characteristic $\mathbb{F}_p$. This need has been acknowledged by the wider community and new so-called Arithmetization-Oriented hash functions have been proposed, e.g. MiMC-Hash, Rescue-Prime, Poseidon, Reinforced Concrete and Griffin to name a few.

In this paper we propose Anemoi: a new family of ZK-friendly permutations, that can be used to construct efficient hash functions and compression functions. The main features of these algorithms are that

  • they are designed to be efficient within multiple proof systems (e.g. Groth16, Plonk, etc.)
  • they contain dedicated functions optimised for specific applications (namely Merkle tree hashing and general purpose hashing)
  • they have highly competitive performance e.g. about a factor of $2$ improvement over Poseidon and Rescue in terms of R1CS constraints, a 21%-35% Plonk constraint reduction over a highly optimized Poseidon implementation, as well as competitive native performance, running between two and three times faster than Rescue, depending on the field size. and
  • comes with computable bounds of resistance against known attacks due to the properties of the novel algebraic transformations that are employed based on the well-studied butterfly structure.

On the theoretical side, Anemoi pushes further the frontier in understanding the design principles that are truly entailed by arithmetization-orientation. In particular, we identify and exploit a previously unknown relationship between CCZ-equivalence and arithmetization-orientation. In addition, we propose two new standalone components that can be easily reused in new designs. One is a new S-box called Flystel, based on the well-studied butterfly structure, and the second is Jive -- a new mode of operation, inspired by the "Latin dance" symmetric algorithms (Salsa, ChaCha and derivatives).

Advanced cryptographic protocols such as Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs of knowledge, widely used in cryptocurrency applications such as Zcash, Monero, Filecoin, demand new cryptographic hash functions that are efficient not only over the binary field $\mathbb{F}_{2}$, but also over large fields of prime characteristic $\mathbb{F}_{p}$. This need has been acknowledged by the wider community and new so-called Arithmetization-Oriented (AO) hash functions have been proposed, e.g. MiMC-Hash, Rescue–Prime, Poseidon, Reinforced Concrete and Griffin to name a few.


Flystel and CCZ-equivalence

The Flystel is a pair of functions inspired by the butterfly structure and a Feistel network. The open and closed Flystel rely on two quadratic functions $Q_{\gamma}$, $Q_{\delta}$ and a permutation $E$ as shown in the following figures.

Open Flystel H.


Closed Flystel V.


While the open Flystel is a high degree permutation of $(\mathbb{F}_{q})^2$ the closed Flystel is a low degree function of $(\mathbb{F}_{q})^2$. Besides, the two variants are CCZ-equivalent, meaning that it is possible to encode the verification of the evaluation of the open Flystel $H$ using the polynomial representation of the closed Flystel $V$.

Round Function

The internal state of Anemoi is represented as a matrix with $l$ columns and 2 rows: $X$ and $Y$. A round function is then a permutation of $(\mathbb{F}_{q})^{2l}$, where $q$ is either a prime number or a power of 2. The function applied at each round $r$ has a classical Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) structure: first the constant addition, then the linear layer, and finally the S-box layer.

Constants addition

For the constant addition we operate on each row separately. The operation consists in adding a vector $C^r$ to the row $X$ and a vector $D^r$ to the row $Y$. Round constants are given using the following procedure:

$$c_{i}^{r} = g (\pi_{0}^{r})^{2} + (\pi_{0}^{r} + \pi_{1}^{r})^{\alpha}$$ $$d_{i}^{r} = g (\pi_{1}^{i})^{2} + (\pi_{0}^{r} + \pi_{1}^{i})^{\alpha} + g^{-1}$$

where $\pi_{0}$ and $\pi_{1}$ are derived using the digits of $\pi$

$$\pi_{0} = 1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679$$ $$\pi_{1} = 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196$$
Linear layer

In the case of $l > 1$, the diffusion layer $M$ also operates on $X$ and $Y$ separately, so that

$M(X, Y) = (M_{x}(X), M_{Y}(Y))$ with $M_{Y}(Y) = M_{X}(\rho(Y))$ and $\rho(x_0, \cdots, x_{l - 1}) = (x_{1}, \cdots, x_{l - 1}, x_{0})$

In practice, when $l = 2$, $3$ or $4$, we use the matrices given by the following diagrams:

M for $l = 2$.


M for $l = 3$.


M for $l = 4$.

Pseudo-Hadamard Transform $\mathcal{P}$
To destroy some undesirable involutive patterns at the S-box level, we use a linear layer, namely the Pseudo-Hadamard transform (PHT), to have diffusion on the rows. In particular, this means that we still have a linear layer when $l = 1$. The PHT has good properties since it can be easily implemented with: $Y \leftarrow Y + X$ and $đť‘‹ \leftarrow X + Y$ and is also relevant against algebraic attacks.
S-box: the Flystel

If $H$ is the open Flystel operating over $(\mathbb{F}_{q})^2$, then we have:

$S(X, Y) = (H(x_0, y_0), \cdots, H(x_{l - 1}, y_{l - 1}))$

Functions $Q_{\gamma}$, $Q_{\delta}$ and $E$ that compose the open Flystel then depend on the choice of the field. We propose the following ones:

Flystel in $\mathbb{F}_{2}^{n}$.


Flystel in $\mathbb{F}_{p}$.


The value of $\alpha$ depends on the metrics, and must be chosen to give the most efficient algorithm.

Anemoi Permutations

The SPN construction

Overview of the SPN construction for $l > 1$.


// Constant addition

for $i \in \left\{0, ..., l - 1\right\}$ do
$\,\,\,\, x_{i} \leftarrow x_{i} + c_{i}^{r}$
$\,\,\,\, y_{i} \leftarrow y_{i} + d_{i}^{r}$

// Linear layer $M$

if $l > 1$ then
$\,\,\,\, X \leftarrow M_{X}(X)$
$\,\,\,\, Y \leftarrow M_{X}(\rho(Y))$
end if

// Pseudo Hamard transformation

$\,\,\,\, Y \leftarrow Y + X$
$\,\,\,\, X \leftarrow X + Y$

// S-box layer $H$

for $i \in \left\{0, \cdots, l - 1\right\}$ do
$\,\,\,\, x_{i} \leftarrow x_{i} - g Q(y_{i}) - g^{-1}$
$\,\,\,\, y_{i} \leftarrow y_{i} - (x_{i})^{\frac{1}{\alpha}}$
$\,\,\,\, x_{i} \leftarrow x_{i} + g Q(y_{i})$
end for

return $(X, Y)$

Number of rounds

The Anemoi permutation iterates $n_{r}$ rounds of the round function given above followed by a call to the linear layer. We give the number of rounds for different values of $l$ and $\alpha$.

Number of rounds for 128 bits of security.

$\alpha$ 3 5 7 11
l = 1 21 21 20 19
l = 2 14 14 13 13
l = 3 12 12 12 11
l = 4 12 12 11 11
l = 6 10 10 10 10
l = 8 10 10 9 9

Mode: Jive

Jive is a dedicated mode for compression functions in a Merkle tree. Given a permutation $P$ of $(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{m})^b$, we can construct a b-to-1 compression function as shown in the figures bellow.

Jive with $2$ branches.


Jive with $b$ branches.


Short story

On the name

Anemoi is a family of Greek Gods of winds, then it has loose connection to butterflies which fly in the air, and that inspired the design of the Flystel. The four wind directions also symbolize the spread geographical location of the Anemoi team.


On the logo

The butterflies: one with open wings, one with closed wings refer to the open and closed Flystel. The two variants are CCZ-equivalent which is symbolized by a mirror, more precisely a sun-shaped to highlight that the closed Flystel makes the strength of Anemoi. A cloud also reminds that Anemoi represents Gods of wind.


Anemoi team

  • ClĂ©mence Bouvier, Sorbonne University, France - Inria, France
  • Pierre Briaud, Sorbonne University, France - Inria, France
  • Pyrros Chaidos, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
  • LĂ©o Perrin, Inria, France
  • Robin Salen, Toposware, Inc., USA
  • Vesselin Velichkov, University of Edinburgh, Scotland - Clearmatics, England
  • Danny Willems, Nomadic Labs, France - Inria & LIX, France

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

You can also find the team on Telegram.